Call groups, which are sometimes called ring groups, help make sure callers get connected to the right call center agent quickly and efficiently.

When someone calls, the call groups system shares the call with a specific team of agents or phone lines in a pattern that shortens wait times and helps resolve customer inquiries off the bat.

If a call group is well implemented, calls are spread out evenly amongst a team with minimal effort. The right agent gets to answer the call, and the customer’s request is usually resolved in a shorter time frame.

So is this system worth implementing?

The short answer: yes.

Call groups are a vital tool for any business looking to increase first-call resolution (FCR), which ultimately leads to improved customer satisfaction. If you’re looking to improve key metrics such as reduced dropped call rates or agent downtime between calls, call groups may be a good option for your organization.

Call Group Ring Patterns (and When to Use Each)

Call groups are more intricately organized by ring patterns, which are essentially the order in which the agents’ phones ring. A ring pattern is the core functionality of a call group, and it’s what makes the whole system customizable to a call center’s needs.

Ring patterns are managed by the VoIP telephone system or call center software. The technical workings of these patterns depend on the programming and algorithms used in the software.

By choosing the right ring pattern, you can make sure calls are handled efficiently, improving overall call distribution.

Here’s a breakdown of different ring patterns and when to use them:

Sequential ringing: For specialized small teams

Sequential ringing operates like a relay race, where the call is passed from one agent to another in a specific order. For example, the call could ring at agent 1’s phone for 15 seconds, and if they don’t answer, then it goes to agent 2’s phone for another 15 seconds, and so on.

You can predetermine where each call goes, or create a randomized pattern for this succession of calls. Sequential ringing is particularly useful for small businesses or startups with specialized teams.

For instance, a sales team might have a sequential ring pattern where the call goes to one agent who specializes in lead generation and then passes on to another agent who handles closing deals. This helps the customer to connect with the most qualified agent available at the time.

Simultaneous ringing: For high-volume call centers

In simultaneous ringing, all available agents receive the call at once, and the first one to respond handles it. This pattern works best for high-volume call centers that are fielding hundreds, possibly even thousands, of calls every day.

It’s a strategy designed to minimize wait times and ensure that the first available agent promptly attends to each call. Agents in this pattern need to be well-trained and prepared to handle a wide range of inquiries.

Round-robin ringing: For large corporations prioritizing workload balance

Round-robin ringing operates on a rotation basis, distributing calls evenly among all agents. If your team consists of numerous agents, this system will ensure each agent receives a balanced share of calls, maintaining workload equity.

This pattern is best suited to larger corporations where equal distribution of calls is crucial to maintaining high productivity levels and preventing agent burnout. It’s also a good option for businesses with a wide range of call-handling capabilities across their entire team.

Skills-based ringing: For departments with specific expertise

Skills-based ringing directs calls to agents based on their areas of expertise. Consider it akin to matching the right task to the right professional based on qualifications.

For example, if your call center has departments dedicated to sales, technical support, and customer service, this ring pattern ensures that sales-related calls go to sales agents, technical issues are routed to technical support agents, and general inquiries are handled by customer service.

This approach is perfect for organizations that provide several offerings to their customers so they can get customized and relevant support about a specific aspect of a business.

6 KPIs That Improve When Using a Call Group

With the right set up and a bit of consistency, your call group can save a substantial amount of money and time in the long run. To track these improvements, it’s important to monitor specific key performance indicators (KPIs) that are directly impacted by call groups.

Here are seven call center KPIs that typically improve when using a call group system:

1. First call resolution (FCR)

First call resolution measures the efficiency of a call center in resolving customer issues during the first interaction. Implementing call groups enhances FCR by:

  • Directing calls to qualified agents: Ensures issues are resolved quickly and effectively.
  • Reducing the need for follow-ups: Decreases overall call volumes and boosts efficiency.

In practice, this means customers are more likely to have their problems solved in one call, leading to higher satisfaction and a reduced burden on the call center.

2. Average handle time (AHT)

Average handle time is the average duration of a customer call, including conversation and post-call work. Call groups improve AHT by:

  • Routing calls efficiently: Reduces time spent on each call.
  • Better preparing agents: Leads to quicker problem-solving.

As a result, calls are shorter and more efficient, allowing agents to assist more customers in less time.

3. Customer satisfaction (CSAT)

Customer satisfaction is a key indicator of how happy customers are with their call center experience. The implementation of call groups enhances CSAT by:

  • Ensuring faster responses: Improves customer experience.
  • Matching callers with the right agents: Increases the likelihood of a positive outcome.

This leads to customers feeling more valued and understood, enhancing their overall experience and loyalty.

4. Service level

Service level measures the percentage of calls answered within a specified time. Call groups positively impact this KPI by:

  • Evenly distributing calls: Reduces wait times.
  • Optimizing response rates: Ensures more calls are answered promptly.

Consequently, customers experience shorter wait times, decreasing frustration and improving the perception of the service.

5. Abandonment rate

Abandonment rate tracks the percentage of calls disconnected by customers before they speak to an agent. Call groups help lower this rate by:

  • Quickening call routing: Minimizes the time customers spend waiting.
  • Balancing call volumes: Prevents long queues.

This leads to a decrease in the number of customers hanging up due to long wait times, increasing the opportunity for successful interactions.

6. Agent utilization rate

Agent utilization rate assesses how effectively agents are used during their available work time. Call groups optimize this rate by:

  • Balancing workloads: Ensures agents are neither overworked nor underused.
  • Streamlining call distribution: Enhances overall agent efficiency.

This results in a more balanced work environment for agents, leading to improved job satisfaction and performance.

5 Steps to Implement a Call Group and (Possible) Distributions

Implementing a call group involves several key steps, each designed to ensure that the system works seamlessly and meets the specific needs of the call center. Here are the steps to get started:

Step 1: Define your call center’s needs

The first step is to understand the specific needs of your call center. Analyze call volumes and patterns to identify peak hours and common customer inquiries.

A few helpful questions:

  • What area(s) of the call center can be improved with more efficient call distribution?
  • What types of calls require specialized skills or expertise?
  • Does my budget allow for the implementation of a call group system?
  • How can I improve the caller experience with call groups?
  • What do my call agents need to be more efficient?

Clarifying these points will help determine the type of call group distribution that will best benefit your call center within your specific business needs.

Step 2: Map out agent groupings

Next, manage your call center workforce so that they’re organized into groups based on their skills and areas of expertise. This involves assessing the strengths of each agent and creating groups for different types of inquiries, such as technical support, sales, or general customer service.

Such grouping ensures that customers are always connected to the most qualified agent for their particular issue. You may also opt to train agents on a variety of skills as part of your call group strategy.

Step 3: Set call-routing rules

After grouping your agents, establish the rules for how calls should be distributed. Decide on the criteria for routing calls, whether it’s based on agent availability, expertise, or other factors.

It may take time to establish a basic schema for your call group, so test a variety of options internally with your team before going with a specific pattern or set of customizations.

Step 4: Establish secondary distribution parameters

In addition to the primary routing rules, it’s essential to have secondary parameters in place. These are particularly useful for managing calls during high-volume periods or unusual situations.

This might include setting up overflow groups for when the primary group is busy or defining different routing protocols for off-peak hours or holidays.

Step 5: Establish a call management team

Finally, a dedicated team (or team member) should be put in charge of managing and overseeing the operation of the call group.

This team is responsible for call center quality monitoring, keeping track of metrics, and making adjustments to the system as necessary to ensure optimal efficiency and customer satisfaction.

The Easiest Way to Get a Call Group Started (and What to Look For)

The simplest and most effective way to start a call group in your call center is by connecting your VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) system with an automated call distribution (ACD) system. An ACD system uses call-routing rules to distribute calls based on the predetermined parameters, ensuring that each customer is connected to the most suitable agent.

VoIP software is a key player in this field and connects your call group with an internet-based telephone service. You’ll need to select a reputable service or contact your current VoIP provider to see if they offer call group functionality.

The best VoIP phone services offer the following basic features:

  • Ease of use: The interface should be user-friendly and intuitive.
  • Scalability: The software should be able to grow with your business.
  • Reliability: Look for high uptime guarantees and good customer support.

You don’t want to be caught in a situation where your call group fails during peak hours, you can’t reach out to customer service, or the software isn’t flexible enough to meet your evolving needs.

Read reviews to learn about the experiences of other businesses, and consider directly contacting any potential VoIP providers to address any specific concerns or questions you may have.

Modern features that enhance call groups

Modern call center trends have led to the development of features that enhance call groups. Some of these features include:

  • Automatic Call Distribution (ACD): This feature automatically routes incoming calls to the most appropriate agent based on predefined criteria, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and Smart IVR: IVR systems guide callers through a menu to identify the purpose of their call, while Smart IVR takes this a step further by integrating artificial intelligence to understand and respond to customer queries more effectively.
  • Natural Language Processing: This allows the system to understand and respond to customer inquiries in a more human-like manner, improving the overall customer experience.
  • AI-enhanced Features: These include capabilities like call analytics and predictive call routing, which use AI to analyze call data and optimize call routing strategies.

Among the various options available, Nextiva stands out as a favorite in the VoIP market, offering a wide range of advanced features and excellent customer service.

The (Few) Instances When a Call Group Isn’t for You

While call groups significantly contribute to call center quality assurance and the effective management of call center metrics, they might not be suitable in every scenario.

Very small teams or solo operations

In call centers with very few agents, the complexity of a call group system might not provide much value. For these smaller teams, managing calls directly is often more efficient, allowing for a simpler approach without the complexities of call groups.

Highly specialized services

Call centers that handle highly specialized services where calls require unique expertise may find call groups less effective. An example might be a medical call center where calls are routed to specific doctors or specialists. In these cases, the expertise factor is already well-defined and doesn’t require additional call group rules.

Low call volumes

For businesses experiencing consistently low call volumes, the efficiency gains from call groups may be marginal. In such scenarios, straightforward call routing might be sufficient, providing a simple and effective way to manage calls.

Businesses with highly variable call patterns

Businesses with erratic call patterns might find setting up a call group to be challenging and less effective. Seasonal businesses, for example, might have very different call routing needs during peak seasons compared to off-peak times. In these situations, manual call distribution might be a better option.